Transcribe and summarize your interviews
Save time with automatic transcription
Gain instant insights with AI-driven summarization
Boost productivity with seamless integration into your workflow
by people at
How to save time with Audiogest
Get accurate transcripts and summaries in minutes
- 1
Upload your audio or video file
Upload your audio or video file to Audiogest. We support all file types.
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Provide a few details
Optionally provide a few details about your recording, like language, speakers and vocabulary.
- 3
Wait 5 minutes
Wait for transcription to be completed. This usually takes 5 minutes.
- 4
Get a summary
Get an AI-driven summary of your conversation, instantly. Or automatically generate actionable items.
- Start saving time today
Simple and powerful
Not just English
Get accurate transcripts in 99+ languages. Including, Dutch, German, French and Spanish.
Upload any file type
Support for all, yes literally all, audio and video file types. Upload recording files from Zoom, Google Meet, Teams, Whatsapp, and more.
Instant summaries
Automatically get AI-driven summaries to digest your conversations into key insights.
Integrates seamlessly into your workflow
Edit and export
Edit your transcripts to fix small errors and update speaker labels. Export in various formats like .doc, .txt, or .json.
Automate your workflow
Connect Audiogest to your favorite apps with Zapier. Automatically transcribe and summarize your recordings.
Integrate with your apps
(Coming soon) Connect with Google Drive, Google Meet and Zoom
Simple pricing
Pay for what you need. No subscription needed.
- Accurate transcripts
- 99+ supported languages
- Generate AI summaries
- Edit & export transcripts
- 5 minute turnaround time
Here's what our users say
Read what our users say about Audiogest.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common questions about Audiogest
Your provided vocabulary will help our AI to generate more accurate transcripts. Provide names, acronyms and foreign words for our AI to recognize and transcribe correctly.
The maximum file size is 350MB with a maximum length of 4 hours (240 minutes). This can be any video or audio file. If you want to process larger files or longer, please contact us at [email protected].
Audiogest supports 99+ languages, including English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish and Hindi. Click here to see a full list of languages that are supported.
Uploaded recording files are converted to audio files and are stored on our servers that are hosted in the EU (Frankfurt, Germany). All other data, including user data is stored on servers located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Your data can be deleted by deleting your file in the app. Check our privacy policy and terms and conditions for more information.
All audio and video file types are supported, including the types aac, ogg, m4a, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpga, wav, webm and more. This includes recordings files from Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, iPhone Voice Memos, etc.
Get an accurate transcript today
Get accurate transcripts in 99+ languages
As fast as 5 minutes turnaround time