Answers to frequently asked questions about Audiogest.

Why do I have to provide vocabulary when generating a transcript?

Your provided vocabulary will help our AI to generate more accurate transcripts. Provide names, acronyms and foreign words for our AI to recognize and transcribe correctly.

What is the maximum file size supported?

The maximum file size is 350MB with a maximum length of 4 hours (240 minutes). This can be any video or audio file. If you want to process larger files or longer, please contact us at [email protected].

What languages are supported for transcriptions?

Audiogest supports 99+ languages, including English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish and Hindi. Click here to see a full list of languages that are supported.

How is my data stored?

Uploaded recording files are converted to audio files and are stored on our servers that are hosted in the EU (Frankfurt, Germany). All other data, including user data is stored on servers located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Your data can be deleted by deleting your file in the app. Check our privacy policy and terms and conditions for more information.

Can I create transcripts for free?

Yes you can transcribe a recording for free when signing up so you can try it out. You can only view the first 15 minutes of your transcript. Full transcripts are unlocked by making your first purchase.

Can I get a refund?

Sorry, we do not currently offer refunds.

What file types are supported?

All audio and video file types are supported, including the types aac, ogg, m4a, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpga, wav, webm and more. This includes recordings files from Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, iPhone Voice Memos, etc.